Ka Whawhai Tonu - Struggle without End Movie

Ka Whawhai Tonu

Set in Aotearoa New Zealand in 1864, KA WHAWHAI TONU tells the story of a pivotal battle in the first New Zealand land wars in the Waikato region. 

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

A battle fought with impossible odds between Māori and the Colonial forces. This heroic conflict is told through the eyes of two young teenagers forced to take control of their own destiny amidst the chaos of the battle and their escape.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

Some of Aotearoa’s biggest names in film and television are celebrating the launch of the latest Māori-made feature film to hit cinemas.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

Thousands gathered in Hamilton on Monday night for the New Zealand premiere of Ka Whawhai Tonu - Struggle Without End, during a night of glamour and entertainment.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

The film shares a fictional retelling of the battle at Ōrākau, a conflict that took place in the Waikato region 160 years ago amid a nationwide confiscation of Māori land.

Directed by Mike Jonathan, the movie features some of Aotearoa’s most recognised faces in film and television including Cliff Curtis and Temuera Morrison.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

“I’m very close with Mike Jonathan, we go way back,” Morrison told Stuff on the red carpet at Event Cinemas Chartwell.

“I remember the time when I was auditioning for Hollywood movies, I wanted to go Hollywood, back then when I was trying to break in, this fulla [Jonathan] was always there for me.”

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

Having returned from the US for the occasion, Morrison was glad to be back in the country to honour the film and see the next generation paving their careers in the industry.

“It’s really touching to be home and I really find my heart warms when I’m at home making this kind of movie.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu

“This kind of movie has wairua ... our best work comes from films that come from our whenua, our turf, so it’s a special one, this one.”

With writer Tim Worrall lending his hand to the film, historic aspects were woven throughout with the creators harnessing the stories of hāpu, iwi and descendants of those who fought against the invading European militia in a struggle for their lands.

Te reo Māori is also the primary language throughout the feature.

Click Here To Watch Ka Whawhai Tonu
